
Employee Corner

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Employee Corner
Title Date View / Download
Awwal Karkun Seniority List 2016 and 2017 06/04/2018 View (10 MB)
Peon Seniority List File 4 Of 4 06/04/2018 View (9 MB)
Peon Seniority List File 3 Of 4 06/04/2018 View (8 MB)
Peon Seniority List File 2 Of 4 06/04/2018 View (9 MB)
Peon Seniority List File 1 Of 4 06/04/2018 View (2 MB)
Result Of Departmental Secondary Service Examination 2012 to 2015 06/04/2018 View (7 MB)
Result Of Departmental Secondary Service Examination 2005 to 2011 06/04/2018 View (9 MB)
Result Of Departmental Secondary Service Examination 1992 to 2004 06/04/2018 View (9 MB)
Steno (Upper Grade) Seniority List 06/04/2018 View (2 MB)
Steno (Lower Grade) Seniority List 06/04/2018 View (2 MB)