Land Branch
Subject:- Standard Operating Procedure of Granting Development Permission for Residential, Commercial and Industrial Use of Agricultural Land.
Sr.No. | Details | Details information regarding the Development Permission | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Subject | Development Permission for Residential, Commercial and Industrial Use of Agricultural Land. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Jurisdiction over Granting Development Permission | Chandrapur district Approved Regional plan in areas other than the Municipal Corporation or Municipal Council or Nagar Panchayat or Special Planning Authority and the village areas of the Gram Panchayats, The Hon'ble District Collector, Chandrapur has granted the following Powers regarding granting Development for the purpose of Residential, Commercial and Industrial use of land other than Agriculture.
3 | Documents required for Development Permission |
4 | For Development permission Where to submit the application. | Ø A computerized system called Building Plan Management System (BPMS) has been implemented to issue development/Building permission as per the Approved Unified Development Control and Promotion Regulations for Maharashtra State. Ø The Applicant/Developer should submit his/her case online in the BPMS system along with the required documents through a registered Engineer, Structural Engineer, Architect and Registered Building Planner, Designer & Consulting Engineer or Supervisor. Ø For prompt action in cases filed online by the Applicant/Developer in the BPMS system & hard copies of the said documents should be submitted to the office of the authorized officer as per the said provision. Ø In industrial non-agricultural cases, if the concerned departments is not submitted their Report in prescribed time after registering the case of the Entrepreneurs according to the said jurisdiction, The Entrepreneurs should along with a copy of the letter seeking the reports Aplications can be made to the Industrial Investment Facilitation Committee formed here for assistance in obtaining immediate reports from the relevant departments on the matter. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Proceeding of Development Permission Collector Office Work Flow | Ø The Applicant/Developer will first log in to the Village Revenue Officer/Assistant Revenue Officer at the District Collector's Office, Chandrapur to verify the case documents for provisional approval in the BPMS system through the Registered Engineer.
Ø If the documents in the online case of the found to be correct in the Preliminary Examination, Approval will be obtained from the Hon'ble District Collector to register the case in the e-office system of this office and to issue a notice in the case and seek reports/opinions from other departments.
Ø And along with that, the work will be going on in BPMS as per the following Work Flow this case,
6 | Which departments' reports are required in the case | Ø After receiving Approval from the Hon'ble District Collector to register the case and issue a notice and seek reports/opinions from other departments, Opinions/Reports will be sought from the following relevant departments as per the purpose of residential, commercial and industrial use.
7 | Approval of Tentative Layout by Recommendation Demarcation Collector Office Work Flow Development Charges. (1 & 2) Development Charges pay method Use of Approval Tentative Layout | Ø After verify the documents in BPMS, from this office and Submitting the case to the Town Planning Department by the Deputy District Collector, Land, the Town Planning Department finally verifies the following: Ø Recommendation Demarcation
Work Flow⇓
8 | Approving the final layoutProceeding | Ø After the demarcation calculation, the applicant should apply to the District Collector's Office, Chandrapur and obtain the Report from all the departments received in the case in scanned copies PDF format. Ø Thereafter, after receiving the matter from the Concerned Engineer for final approval.
Work Flow
9 | Final decision-making authority: | Hon'ble Collector, Chandrapur | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | The time taken in the Process | If the documents in the case and the reports of the relevant departments are received within the deadline and are complete, a decision on the proposal is taken within 60 days. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | Relevant Government References, Government Resolutions and Circulars | For relevant Government Ordinances, Notifications, Government Resolutions, Circulars and Orders and Circulars of this office regarding Granting Development Permission for Residential, Commercial and Industrial use of Agricultural land. Click here |